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Vigel Review
Vigel - female enhancement gel

Vigel Review:
Female Enhancement Gel

Rated: 73 out of 100

Vigel is a topical gel that is non–prescription and is touted to increase your sex drive, boost your chances of having multiple orgasms, enhance your sensitivity and give you an all–around better sexual experience.

When you apply a dime sized amount of Vigel directly to your clitoris during foreplay the producers of this product claim that you will immediately feel a tingling sensation. In 20 minutes time your clitoris could swell four times its normal size and you may be on your way to the wildest sex that you've encountered in a long time.

One catch though, it may take up to three applications, on three consecutive days, for the ingredients of Vigel to kick in and produce the results that you desire. That's a lot of product being used in the first three days but you should not expect miracles from any female enhancement product.

Ingredients in Vigel

The most active ingredient in Vigel is L–Arginine. This ingredient increases the production of Nitric Oxide, which in scientific studies has been proven to increase the amount of blood flow to certain areas of the body, and thus enriches clitoral sensitivity and could increase the amount of orgasms you experience. VIGEL also contains menthol – that is why you feel the tingling when you first apply it to your clitoris.

Does Vigel Work?

Vigil seems to have the one necessary ingredient that will help stimulate your sex life. That being said, you should definitely do your research on this and other female enhancement products. The Vigil packaging is a bit corny and cheap looking. Although that may not reflect on the efficacy of the product it's nice to see manufacturers take a little time to make their full package seem professional.

Vigil is also relatively inexpensive, which may mean you get what you pay for or that they put their effort in the ingredients not their merchandising. At least with an inexpensive price you can try Vigel, and if it does not work you won't be out of a large sum of money.

Our Readers' Poll Choice for Female Enhancement Creams and Oils:
Week of: Tuesday October 22nd, 2024

Which female enhancement creams and oils actually work and which don't live up to the hype? Check out the results of this week's reader's choice poll question to find out. These poll results will help you make certain you choose the best female enhancement cream for your needs. Learn more now!

V Cream Review